

Tips for Better Virtual Meetings


With more than two-thirds of business executives engaging in virtual work, virtual meetings are a standard feature of the business landscape. But of course that doesn't mean its easy to navigate through. 

I came across this great article from Harvard Business School on some great tips for better virtual meetings.

1) Be Very Interactive
One reason virtual meetings do not flow as naturally as in-person meetings is that establishing camaraderie at a distance is difficult. Yet it can be achieved if the meeting particpants make an effort to engage with their colleagues from afar.

2) Use Technology To Enhance Collaboration
Technology that enhances two-way communication and active collaboration can make virtual meetings almost like being there - one team at a Fortune 100 company experienced a stunning 90% drop in decision-making time in virtual meetings after it put technology to work. Useful high-tech tools include virtual rooms for attendees, white board functionality for note taking, voting tools for anonymous feedback, cameras so colleagues can see one another, collaborative online presentation capability, informal chat rooms for side discussions and the ability to raise your hand virtually and ask questions.

3) Reserve Meetings For Two-Way Communication
Have you ever attended meeting where all you did was listen? If one-way meetings are bad in person, they're deadly over the phone, especially when participants are scattered across the globe and it's the middle of the night for some.

4) Level Ths Playing Field
It is common in virtual meetings for some employees to particpate while sitting together in a conference room, while others are alone in their offices or other locations. Employees in the conference room have the benefit of side conversations with their colleagues and shared coffee breaks. The individuals not in the room may feel excluded and wonder whether their input is equally valued.

5) Establish A No E-Mail Or Instant Messaging Policy
This is obvious, but it's worth emphasizing: just as it's rude to have side conversations during a face-to-face meeting, it's rude to converse an email or instant messaging during virtual meetings. To encourage compliance, try what one team did: it decided that anyone who broke this rule would be assigned the next item. The prooved a highly effective deterrent!


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